Off-Campus Employers

Learn about becoming an off-campus work-study employer

Off-Campus Employers of Work-Study Students

What is Off-Campus Work-Study?

Seattle University offers off-campus work study opportunities to eligible students through the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC)'s Washington State Work-Study Program.

Work-study jobs have a student-first focus. Student employees in the State Work-Study program are eligible to work 19 hours per week during the academic year, and up to 40 hours per week during academic breaks, i.e. winter, spring, and summer if registered less than half-time.

For questions related to hiring current Seattle U students and graduates outside of the work-study program, please contact the Career Engagement Office at

Becoming an Off-Campus Work-Study Employer 

Our off-campus employers are valuable contributors to our students’ learning experiences. In turn, off-campus employers who provide meaningful opportunities for student employees through the State Work-Study program are partially reimbursed for the cost of student wages, reducing the cost of labor for the organization -- from 40 -70% of wages!

Student employees can contribute valuable support to a team and an organization’s operations, advance projects you’ve been meaning to get off the ground, bring new energy and perspective, and more. Hiring student employees can also become a pipeline for hiring full-time employees. 

We are happy to consult with you to learn more about your hiring needs and help you brainstorm how to best implement student employees into your organization and work. Email

To Become a State Work-Study Employer:

  1. Review WSAC’s Employer Handbook found under “Program Guidance” on the WSAC Employers website.
  2. Determine the type of work that would benefit your organization and contribute to students’ learning and professional development. We are happy to brainstorm with you!
  3. Submit an employer application/contract through the WSAC portal.
  4. WSAC will determine your reimbursement amount at this time.
  5. Once your employer contract is approved, submit a detailed job description for approval through the WSAC portal.
  6. Partner with SU’s Student Employment Office to post the job to Handshake, SU’s job search platform for students and alumni, and to advertise the position and recruit eligible students.
  7. Conduct your hiring process. Request a “Work-Study Authorization Form” from your candidates to verify students’ eligibility for State Work-Study.
  8. When you’ve determined you hire, email to inform us. The employer/supervisor and the student will need to sign our Hire Confirmation Form, and we will need to verify the student’s work eligibility, and document that the student will begin earning their work-study.
  9. Hire students as hourly employees of your organization and pay students directly for their work.
  10. Submit monthly timesheets to that reflect the student’s pay stubs. It is important that we receive timely timesheet submissions to ensure that we are up-to-date on students’ earnings and award balances, as well as your remaining reimbursement potential. It also ensures that you get your reimbursements in a timely manner.